Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meet Nubia

      Nubia Barahona was beautiful young girl, whose life came to a tragic end at only the age of ten. When Nubia was six years old her and twin brother, Jorge and Carmen Barahona adopted Victor Barahona, in 2007. They spent the next four years fighting for their lives together. Schools officially reported that the two children would often come to school malnourished and dirty. The twins would even speak of being abused sometimes, but nothing was done to resolve that problem in time. On one account a teacher testified that Nubia was absolutely terrified when the teacher said she was going to call her mother. Nubia started crying claiming, “Momma is going to hit me with a (flip flop) on the bottom of my feet." The teacher at the time didn’t fully understand how petrified the girl really and the extent of the abuse going on in the home. On February 14, 2011, police found Nubia's dead body covered in chemicals in the of a pesticide truck. The cause of her death has not been released yet. Her brother was found next to her battling for his life and was also covered in chemicals. Fortunately for Victor he is currently improving in Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

"There is nothing in this world that a ten year old child could do to deserve the lifetime of abuse these two children endured," said Joanne Muniz, who organized the memorial. “It is the hope of all of us today that the people responsible for the death of Nubia and the physical and mental pain and injuries inflicted on Victor will be brought to justice.”

Now the question raised is: How was the adoption was approved despite these warnings?